UNESCO launches “The International Media and Information Literacy Charter” in Jamaica
UNESCO organized the 7th conference on Media and Information Literacy (MIL) as part of the “Global Media and Information Literacy Week” held in Kingston from October 2...
President of the HACA receives the new Head of Rabat’s Council of Europe Office
Mr. José Luis Herrero, the new Head of Rabat’s Council of Europe, was received, on Wednesday September 20th, by Ms. Amina Lemrini Elouahabi, President of the High...

The HACA participates in a conference on the political representation of women in Africa
Mr. Jamal Eddine Naji, Director-General of the High Authority for audiovisual communication, participated in an international African-European conference on “Perspectives on the ...

HACA organizes a blood donation day An act of citizenship
The Social Welfare Association of the HACA, together with the National Center of Blood Transfusion and Hematology (CNTSH) of Rabat, organized a blood ...

The Director General of the HACA presents a review on the human resources management to the personnel
Mr. Jamal Eddine Naji, Director General of the HACA, held, Tuesday September 5th, a meeting with the personnel of the High Authority, to present the assessment of the ...

President of the HACA receives Director of Council of Europe Directorate General of Programmes Office, Ms. Verena Taylor
In the framework of her working visit to Morocco on 6th and 7th July of to discuss with different Moroccan officials about cooperation perspective...

The EAO takes stock of the role and approaches of education media in Europe
On June 8th in Warsaw, under their new Presidency (Poland) for a year, members of the European Audiovisual Observatory (EAO), including Morocco which was represented b...

Director General of the HACA visits ASBU’s new academy in Tunis
Director General of the HACA Mr. Jamal Eddine Naji visited on 26th May 2017, in the company of Director of Legal Studies Mr. Mahdi Aroussi Idrissi, the Arab States Bro...

President of the High Authority for Audiovisual Communication receives Director General of the Moroccan Copyright Office (MCO)
Under prerogatives of the High Authority aiming at establishing cooperation and partnership with different national organisms sharing the same objectives, the Director General of...

HACA participates to DTT frequency coordination meeting between Morocco, Spain and Portugal
The bilateral Digital Terrestrial Television frequency coordination meeting between Morocco and Spain took place in Madrid from the 25 to 27 April 2017. ...